The Tale of Three Trees


The Tale of Three Trees is my favorite story.  It goes like this.  Three trees stood on a mountain top and they all had dreams.  The first tree’s dream was to be a treasure chest and hold lots of gold.  The second tree’s dream was to become a boat and sail great waters and hold great kings.  The third tree’s dream was to stand tall and point to God.  Three woodcutters came to the top of the mountain and cut all three trees down.  The first tree was excited when the man took him to a carpenter’s shop but he got made into an animal feed box instead of a treasure chest.  The second tree smiled when he was taken to a ship yard but he was made into a fishing boat.  The third tree was cut into beams and put in a pile and forgotten.

One night a woman put her new born baby into the feed box because there was no other place for them.  The first tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure of all.  Years passed and the second tree sailed out into the sea while the passengers were sleeping.  There was a thundering storm.  The tired passenger stood up and said’ “Peace!” and the storm stopped.  The second tree knew he was holding the greatest king.  The third tree was startled when he got yanked off the pile and dragged through the streets with angry crowds.  He felt terrible when soldiers nailed a man’s hands to him.

A few days later the third tree knew that God’s love had changed everything.  It had made the first tree beautiful.  It had made the second tree strong and every time people thought of the third tree they would think of God.  That was better than being the tallest tree in the world.

I love this story because every tree got their dream come true in different ways than they expected.  This story always makes my eyes water.  – Gracie

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