Gracie’s Goals for 2012


In 2012 there are many things I would like to get better at. This year I want to get better at piano and violin. I really love music. I think I can get better by practicing more. I would like to learn longer songs on my violin. I would like to learn how to play “I See The Light” from Tangled on the piano. I would like to become better at tennis.  This will also take practice and lessons. I would like to be able to play in some tennis matches. This year I want to work on not fighting with my brothers and sisters. I want to be more patience. I will try to be better at showing love to others. I want to get better at math and learn more about science and history. I will try more kinds of food. Finally, I want to bear my testimony at church. If I work hard on all these things, I will become a better and more talented person. – Gracie

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