Monthly Archives: March 2012

Cinderella at the Crest Theater


On Wednesday we went to see the stage performance of Cinderella at the Crest Theater in downtown Sacramento.  We had some trouble parking because the first 3 parking garages were full. After finally finding a space in the top of the 4th garage we walked quickly to the theater. The Crest Theater occupies a building built in 1912 as the Empress theater.  In 1946 it was gutted and the interior rebuilt as the Crest.  It is decorated in a grand style of days of past.

The play was different from Disney’s Cinderella in that it was narrated by a mouse named Mortimer. Mortimer also played a role as friend to the prince and encouraged Cinderella. Cinderella’s step mother and two step sisters proved to be both revolting and annoying all the while causing many laughs. There were only 6 actors/actresses and very simple stage props and backdrops but entertaining all the same. The average age of theater goers seemed to be about 6-8 years old.  Maddy felt it was a little juvenile for her.

This weekend we head to Utah for our church conference then down to San Diego for a trip along El Camino Real to visit 8 of the 21 historic missions. Look for new posts in the coming days about our trip!

Meeting Jimmer Fredette


Last Thursday I went to a Kings basketball game at the Power Balance Pavilion in Sacramento with my family.  Before we left we had a clay class in Grass Valley that did not get over until 4:00.  We were suppose to be at the arena at 5:00.  When we were picking up my dad he was frustrated because we would be late and possibly miss meeting Jimmer.  So we sped out of the parking lot and made it just in time to see Jimmer.  We barely missed anything because all it was was people asking questions and Jimmer would answer them .  After that we were told to walk up to a lounge.  We were wondering what we would be doing up there.  We found out they would be doing a raffle up there.  When we got up to the lounge, there was Jimmer’s brother, TJ and his dad, Al.  We got to meet them and my dad , being a good salesman, gave TJ his business card so when Jimmer is ready to buy a house he can call him.  We didn’t win any of the raffle prizes but we got picked along with 16 others to go on the court during warm ups and high five the players including Jimmer Fredette!  When we got downsatirs we had to wait forever to go down to the court.  It was so boring and I was very anxious to go down.  When the players ran by us and high fived us I was shaking and shivering with excitement.  The players were very huge but seemed nice.  When Jimmer came through the line everybody was cheering.

The name of the Kings players are:

Jimmer Fredette

Isaiah Thomas

Marcus Thornton

DeMarcus Cousins

Tyreke Evans

Chuck Hayes

Francisco Garcia

Donte Greene

Jason Thompson

J.J. Hickson

Terrence Williams

Travis Outlaw

Hassan Whiteside

Tyler Honeycutt

John Salmons

We went to our seats and the game started.  At the end the first quarter Marcus Thornton shot from behind the half court line and made it right after the buzzer.  Unfortunately it did not count but it was awesome!  The Kings lost by one point in the final seconds of the game but it was very exciting.  Score:  Utah Jazz  103, Sacramento Kings 102.  This was so exciting but disappointing at the same time.  I had so much fun and I recommend you going to a Kings basketball game.  – Brayden

Delicious Homemade Cinnamon Bread


Today I made homemade bread.  First I started by softening the yeast in warm water.  Next I added in salt, oil, honey and flour.  This time we are adding some soy lecithin to help it stay fresh longer.  After it is kneaded for a while I covered it and let it rise for about 30 minutes.  To make cinnamon bread, I divided the dough in 3 pieces and rolled each out.  I sprinkled each with cinnamon and sugar and rolled up.  I put the loaves into bread pans and let them rise another 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, I preheated the oven to 350 degrees.  When they were done rising I put them in the oven and baked them for 30 minutes.  When they came out of the oven they smelled so delicious.  We sliced a warm fresh loaf and enjoyed it with some butter.  It tasted marvelous!  When cooled, I put the remaining loaves in bread bags.  Making bread is kind of hard and takes a long time but it sure is worth it:) -Maddy

Recipe for bread:

4 cups warm water

2 Tablespoons yeast

1 Tablespoon salt

1/3 cup oil

1/3 cup honey

10-12 cups flour

Cinnamon sugar

The Imax Experience


Last Friday we went to the California History Museum and Imax theater in Sacramento. The museum was kind of boring because there was a lot of reading and not so many things to do. I did enjoy looking at the skateboard exhibit that they had on the 2nd floor. I also enjoyed the theater room that showed a film about California. This was my favorite because my friend Jake and I pretended to be the movie ushers. Before we left we went to the museum gift shop. Jake and I got blue and red wrist bands made out of a material similar to shoe laces. We walked from the museum to the Imax theater. When we walked inside there was alot of bags lined up on the snack bar counter waiting for us and the other with us. Inside the bag there was a hot dog, chips and we each got a soda. When we entered the theater we were handed a pair of 3D glasses to use during the film. When I saw the screen my jaw dropped because it was so huge. The film started right away. The movie we watched was called Born to be Wild. My favorite part of the movie was when they showed the orangutans as babies in diapers. The 3D was amazing. It seemed so real. Some flies were even flying around on the screen but seemed to be flying in our faces and made me try to swat at them. I learned that when an animal’s mother is killed they can still live a good life thanks to the generous people who care for them. This movie has become one of my favorite movies I have ever seen and I hope you will be able to go see it too. – Brayden

Small Cakes Cupcakery


We went to the Small Cakes store in Roseville last Friday.  When I first walked in I saw yogurt machine and tables.  Then I saw racks of cupcakes.  The cupcakes were chocolate, carrot, red velvet, and vanilla with all different frostings.  Next we went in the back.  The owner of the store said that she was going to show us a bakers job and a managers job.  The bakers job starts first thing in the morning.  The baker starts by making the batter and pouring it into the cup.  Then she puts the cupcakes in the oven for 15 minutes.  We got to help with this.  When the cupcakes are done she takes them out and frosts them with all different colored frostings. She also can put  toppings like marshmallows or chocolate on the cupcakes.  We got to decorate several mini cupcakes and eat them.  We used sprinkles on ours.  Next we learned about a managers job.  The manager has to check if they have enough supplies called inventory.  We got to help her count the inventory.  A manager also has to make a schedule for employees.  I would love to work at this bakery.  It seems fun.  The cupcake bakery was very fun.  It was one of the most delicious field trips we have been on! – Gracie

The owner of the bakery was a woman of great courage.  She explained to us that she had gone to a summer church camp when she was 14 years old.  On the way back home the bus went of the road, crashed and caught on fire. She was burned very badly as we could she by the scars on her arms and face.  When she decided to open this store she decided to be partners with a disabled girl.  She says she is the girl’s life coach to help her through hard things.  She told us that they are christian and love God.  They had a board on the wall that had scripture verses on it. They also play christian music.  She said that they are in a great location across from the hospital so they can help others that might be suffering.  This taught me that you don’t have to let one bad thing destroy your whole life.  You can move on and overcome hard things.  She is married and has four sons.  Her kindness makes me feel good.  -Maddy