Cinderella at the Crest Theater


On Wednesday we went to see the stage performance of Cinderella at the Crest Theater in downtown Sacramento.  We had some trouble parking because the first 3 parking garages were full. After finally finding a space in the top of the 4th garage we walked quickly to the theater. The Crest Theater occupies a building built in 1912 as the Empress theater.  In 1946 it was gutted and the interior rebuilt as the Crest.  It is decorated in a grand style of days of past.

The play was different from Disney’s Cinderella in that it was narrated by a mouse named Mortimer. Mortimer also played a role as friend to the prince and encouraged Cinderella. Cinderella’s step mother and two step sisters proved to be both revolting and annoying all the while causing many laughs. There were only 6 actors/actresses and very simple stage props and backdrops but entertaining all the same. The average age of theater goers seemed to be about 6-8 years old.  Maddy felt it was a little juvenile for her.

This weekend we head to Utah for our church conference then down to San Diego for a trip along El Camino Real to visit 8 of the 21 historic missions. Look for new posts in the coming days about our trip!

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