Astronomy Tuesday


On Tuesday night my family and some friends went to a star party in Colfax.  A man named Don Machholz, also called the Comet Hunter, let us come to his home where he has an outdoor observatory.  He has two very large telescopes and giant blue binoculars.  He also had invited his friend from Auburn to come with his telescope.  The five main things we saw were Venus, Mars, Saturn, US Space Station and the moon.  We also saw a couple stars including a double star.  It was better than I thought it would be because the telescopes were much larger than I imagined.  I could see better than I thought I would.  My favorite thing we looked at that night was the moon because you could actually see the craters and the dark-side of the moon.  Another one of my favorite things was seeing Saturn because you could see the rings.  It was amazing!  I learned where some of the planets are in the sky but that they are always moving and so are we. -Brayden

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